Wrapping Up…For Now.

Well…we have come to the end of this class. The end of the practicum. The end of a campaign that started with passion and ended with a little more passion. While we learned so much together, we still have so much to do on our own. This industry can be Read more…

Life Is Weird

Life is so weird. Like it is actually so bizarre. Life, especially within the music industry, can be even weird than just your general life. While it is hard to fathom that, it is reality. I have found myself at a lot of cool places lately: the Grammys, the CMTS, Read more…

Call Your Mom

Jenna, what on earth does calling your mom have to do with the music industry?? What is this teaching me about gaining connections and having a successful career?? I never promised I was an expert in everything I talked about, certainly not relating to the music industry. I am not Read more…


“You gotta be a good hang.” You know you’ve heard it. While talent does in fact help a person stand out, one’s personality can also have an equal effect. Being a “good hang” in the industry can definitely be a make it or break it situation in the music industry. Read more…